Thursday, July 14, 2016

Three Classes

Day #4 Journal

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I'm glad that we finally got to begin our classes today, as yesterday I'd mentioned that I couldn't wait for them to start already. For my first class, my group, 201, went to the Art of Acting in UK's Fine Arts building. In this class, we did some interesting warm-up activities such a moving around in random circles while having to keep track of a few people at the same time. This warm-up seemed a bit odd to me, but I'm assuming it's something that any theatrical actor is used to.

Moving on to my next class, Performing World Music, my group got to play djembe drums, which I learned are originally from West Africa. The song we are currently playing is known as Rose Rhythm. This song requires not only for us to play drums, but some of us are allowed to play a double cowbell (I don't remember the specific name for it). I remember playing this particular song last year, but I also remember it being kind of challenging, and taking good rhythm skills to play it just right.

My final class for today was Photographic Literacy II. We haven't really done much in this class yet, other than introductions, but I know it's going to be a lot of fun once we get started. However, we did get our first homework assignment, which is to post our reactions to the Gallery Hop in a discussion. What I'm most excited for in PhotoLit is to go outside and take pictures around the library, of course.

After all three of our classes, we got to get a good tour of the William T. Youg Library and discover the resources available all around us for homework help. First, we went to Presentation U to watch a presentation (ha-ha!) about the many ways we can get help with homework and final projects specifically related to speeches and public speaking. The next resource we learned about was the library itself, which of course we can use for pretty much any kind of research (after all, I've been told that UK is the college of research). We also learned that there are multiple libraries on campus and that we can also use UK's online library to find books as well. The third source we learned about was the Media Depot, located in WT's Hub. Media Depot is a place where we can come to get help filming, producing, and editing any video assignments. This place served to be a good resource for me when I really needed help completing a group video project last year.

The last thing I did today was enjoy the two hours of free time. During this time, I got to spend time with a new friend I've already made named, Leeana, who happens to be very fun person to hang out with and to talk to. In my dorm, we decided to work until we finally finished some assignments and, to celebrate, we had a mini dance party until it was time for our hallway meeting.

Though this day was a bit exhausting, it was still a lot of fun and also very insightful. I was kind of nervous, thinking about all of the new responsibilities that I'm going to be taking up, but knowing that I'm going to have a lot of resources around and a lot of people to assist me, I feel a lot better.

A djembi drum

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